Membership at Creatis

Get exclusive discounts and showcase your skills and products to a wider audience.

As a MC² (Member Creator at Creatis), you'll have open access to our studio space, equipment, a collection of tools and library, all at your disposal. Moreover, you'll have the opportunity to showcase your skills and products on our platform, connect with fellow creators, receive exclusive discounts on our services, and indulge in exploration and experimentation.

By joining our community, you'll become part of the Creator Squad - a diverse network of individuals with unique backgrounds, ideas and interests. Collaborate with other talented creators, get inspired, and unleash your creativity in an environment that celebrates diversity, inclusivity and innovation.

At Creatis, we believe that every creator deserves a space to grow, learn and express themselves. Join us today and unlock the full potential of your creative journey!

Studio Amenities

  • (Natural) Dyeing Equipment

  • Block Print, Screen Print Tables

  • Embroidery (Hand) Addas, Embroidery (Single Head) Machines

  • Sewing Machines, Cutting Tables

Pick your Pack

  • Trial Pack

    Membership gives you 25 craft & design hours.

    Open access to our studio space, equipment, a collection of tools. (Max. 50 hours of Create per year, per week limits apply.)

    Free Q&A sessions with Masters & Designers.

    Expires upon use of Hire or Create hours, or 1 year, whichever occurs first.

    Membership is non-shareable.

  • Craft Pack

    Membership gives you 100 craft hours & monthly hire.

    Open access to our studio space, equipment, a collection of tools. (Max. 175 hours of Create per year, per week limits apply.)

    Free Q&A sessions with Masters & Designers.

    Expires upon use of Hire or Create hours, or 1 year, whichever occurs first.

    Membership is shareable among 2 creators, with 1 creator at a time.

  • Design Pack

    Membership gives you 100 design hours.

    Open access to our studio space, equipment, a collection of tools. (Max. 175 hours of Create per year, per week limits apply.)

    Free Q&A sessions with Masters & Designers.

    Expires upon use of Hire or Create hours, or 1 year, whichever occurs first.

    Membership is shareable among 4 creators, with 2 creators at a time.

    Access to our textile designs, ready to elevate your projects.